Wednesday 5 May 2010


I help to run a local Brownie Unit and a Guide Unit and we are going to have to start a little bit of fundraising so we can store our camp and holiday equipment. So my job for this week is to come up with an idea that will raise us some funds!

The fundraising idea that seems to raise the most with all girls participating and getting the community involved too seems to be a fundraising quiz. You know the sort I mean, a cryptic clue to the name of a sweet, a film or a band. The thing is, I don't want to use one that's out there already as it is so easy to get the answers from the internet. So I'm having to think up ideas for our own quiz. I need to think up a minimum of 50 clues all on one theme. That's no small task.

Oh well, off to think up some clues. I've got till next Thursday to get this done!

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